Kendall Genius 2 Checker/Calibrator

Kendall Genius 2 Checker/Calibrator

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Location:Walton-on-the-Naze, United Kingdom

Available quantity:1


This listing is for a Kendall Genius 2 Checker/Calibrator

The Genius™ Checker & Calibrator checks the accuracy of the Genius™ tympanic thermometer and automatically recalibrates the thermometer, if necessary. In addition, the checker & calibrator has the capability to generate a test report for each thermometer tested and save it to a USB flash drive. It works with all Genius™ thermometer software revisions. The Genius™ checker and calibrator contains two independently controlled infrared calibration targets that are similar to factory calibration targets. These “blackbody” targets are designed to have efficient radiative heat transfer and produce infrared radiation that approximates the human ear at temperatures of 32.2°C (90.0°F ) and 40.6°C (105.0°F).


ModelGenius 2
Serial NumberK0713163